Hon. Henry Kisajja Magumba Kyemba

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Rev. Andy Kironde and family(London, UK)

We are saddened by the premature home going to Glory of beloved Uncle Kyemba. I have awesome memories of holidays at uncle/ aunt Betty's homes in Kawolo/Jinja with Henry Susan and other relatives which were great vacations. Significantly Uncle was vital in my initial travel to the US in 94 for Henry Jr's wedding from the UK. While preparing I noticed my passport was long expired. I panicked and shared with Uncle, who said give me details. In 5 days on his travel he delivered my passport. The next day I book US visa & ticket.

After Jr's wedding uncle organised for himself aunt Betty myself Suzan driving from Huntsvile Boston Phily Newark Connectcut to New York UG embassy & UN office sharing profound history. Crucially several times he saved my deseased father Ex-IGP Kyefulumya's life in Amin & other regimes. I am eternally grateful for HK phenomenal service life memories. To live is Christ To die is gain Phi. Angels await you with 7crowns.

Nabeta Lwai Lume(Nairobi, Kenya)

Uncle HK’s Farewell

Frank Kyazze(Dover)

It is with great sadness that I learned of passing of our beloved father. May his Soul rest in everlasting peace.

On behalf of the families of my mother, the late Theresa Bagenda Kyemba, and the late Sarah Ndagire of Kalisizo, Kyotera District. We wish to convey our sincere condolences to all family and friends.

We celebrate his long and productive life. And we rest assured that he is in a better place.

Our thanks to the doctors, medical facilities, nurses, family and friends that took any part to make his last time on earth as comfortable as possible.

God Bless.

With Sympathy,

Francis Kyazze, Son

Paul Bakibinga(Chelmsford, UK)

Rest in Peace Uncle Henry. An inspiration to many

David Magezi(Kampala, Uganda)